Wednesday, May 25, 2011

The Practice

image courtesy of Todd Raviotta - Natural Science Production

Some days I don't feel like practicing and I get on my mat anyway and I crank through. I usually end up feeling a little bit better but down deep I'm still irritated, annoyed, and cranky.
Some days I don't feel like practicing and I don't get on my mat. I end up remaining cranky, irritated, and annoyed. And my body doesn't feel so hot either.
Some days I don't feel like practicing and I get on my mat and lay down for 5 or 10 or 15 minutes with my eyes closed and my arms over my face. And I breathe. And at some point some poses will come into my head and I suddenly feel like practicing precisely that. And then a long practice unfolds without force or over-efforting. I end up feeling totally shifted and good in body, heart, and mind.
Today was one of the days I last described. Thank goodness for those days.

Contemplation: What do you do when you don't feel like practicing?

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