Thursday, September 9, 2010


September is back to school time and seems like the start of a new year to me. I find September to be wildly full of possibilities and a good time to check in with my intentions or set new ones. I like to think of it as new years' resolutions... in fall.

These days my head and heart are brimming with ideas and possibilities. Trying to keep things simple when I'm overwhelmed with enthusiasm never works for me. So here are the three areas I hope to embrace and bring more deeply into my life this fall.

I realize I have far too little time in nature, specifically in wild nature and I'd like to have more of it. Plus I'd like to bring nature into my home more abundantly

Inspired by several blogs commenting on this idea I've been noticing how un-beautiful my living space is. It isn't ugly. There just isn't anything in it that I sigh in rapture about. I'd like to change that.

not yoga, but dance or pure body movement. I've been thinking a lot lately about how limited the range of movement possibilities and dynamics are in yoga (even in Anusara). I think my body and soul will feel better if I remember the Dancing part of Dancing Yogini.

I understand these are not mutually exclusive and are perhaps quite inclusive of each other (like, I could take my practice of movement into the beauty of a field of flowers or pumpkins since it's fall). I will expand on each of these and the way I'm exploring them in my life as the days go on.
But I love the idea of September new years resolutions. Something about it feels just right.

Contemplation: What are you starting fresh with as we transition to fall?

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