Friday, June 25, 2010

Pause, and Remember

Certified Anusara Teacher Laura Flora in Eka Pada Rajakapotasana IV

Whew! I've been caught in a whirlwind of activity here for the past week in preparation for a Certified Teacher to come to town and offer classes yesterday and today. Our Richmond kula has no Certified Teachers (actually no officially inspired teachers yet, though my application goes in the mail next week), so it is a big deal to have one come to town. We are trying hard to build Anusara momentum here.
Last night and today we were so fortunate to have Laura Flora of New Orleans to offer an open public class and then a smaller master class. Last night at the open class I assisted her with 35 people crammed into a very small space (!) But then this morning, I was able to practice. It was SUCH a blessing to me to be able to practice Anusara again in my hometown. I stood there on my mat and paused and looked around my HOME studio and just remembered that this was the place where I first was introduced to this amazingly transformative practice. I paused and remembered what it felt like to be in the midst of the class, in the midst of the kula -- rather than leading. I paused and remembered my own greatness and goodness and my heart calling to keep Anusara alive in Richmond. And I was SO Grateful for it all.
The Tantra teaches us that we are always expanding, becoming more. That we are already perfect just as we are, and our lives proceed as we imagine them. This is a part of my imagining. This moment, this pause, was totally perfect. And it will only expand from here. Truly, Life is Good.

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