Thursday, December 2, 2010


As much as I may have preferred to stay away, I did actually come back from Florida. I've been back almost a week now and have been enjoying a petite break from technology. Instead I've been indulging in books and sewing and the turning inward that is demanded by days with more hours of darkness than of light. BUT. I have big plans for this space. Or, at least, I do have more to share and so will slowly crawl back out from under the quite warm covers to share with you.
Of Thanksgiving I can say it was wonderful and Warm. We tried to fit in a little yoga photo shoot so I can have proper illustrations to my musings. The above is from our test run to check lighting. You can see how it went. I find it challenging to rock out full Vasisthasana (or even reverse warrior 2) with a 2 year old at my feet. So the photo shoot will have to wait.
Now that I'm back be on the look out for much more from my trip to see John in Bryn Athn, PA. And for a holiday gift guide in the works as soon as I get this up.
Love and Light to all.

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